Technology is developing faster than ever, and so are the threats facing every organization. Today, companies face several challenges as they grow, and keeping up with demanding security requirements and an ever-changing threat landscape can become extremely difficult.

Thankfully security solutions and services are evolving with the cyber security landscape, and Managed Security Services Providers (MSSPs) can do the heavy lifting when it comes to taking care of your cybersecurity needs.

What is a MSSP in a cybersecurity context?

MSSP stands for Managed Security Service Provider – an independent cyber security service that manages and monitors security devices and systems for companies of all sizes. 

With 24/7 service covering various security areas, such as continuous security monitoring, VPN, vulnerability management, threat intelligence and assessments, and access control, MSSPs help enterprises reduce their demand for operational security personnel.

What is a Managed Security Service Provider used for?

Organizations use MSSPs as an efficient and more cost-effective alternative to hiring in-house cybersecurity teams to improve their security posture and protect their data.

Due to large enterprises’ increased security threats, these organizations typically use MSSP services. However, small and medium-sized businesses can also use managed security services.

Managed security services can either be fully-managed or co-managed. In the case of fully managed security services, the service provider owns the security technologies and maintains and monitors the incidents gathered by these tools and technologies. In comparison, there might be specific requirements across various security systems, such as 24-hour security monitoring personnel, in co-managed environments.

Six main categories of managed security services:

Here are the six main categories of services that MSSP companies provide:

  1. Remote/on-site consulting
  2. Perimeter management of client’s network
  3. Penetration testing and vulnerability assessment
  4. Managed security monitoring
  5. Compliance monitoring
  6. Security product resale

Why businesses are moving to Managed Security Service Providers

Businesses are moving to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) to bridge the skills gap between IT management teams and Cyber Security experts to improve their cybersecurity monitoring and management and secure their organization against ever-evolving threats.

Here are a few signs that signal when an organization might need to partner with a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP):

When teams start ignoring alerts

Sometimes, organizations get too many alerts, and security teams ultimately start to ignore some. In fact, more than 31 percent of respondents in a recent study admitted to ignoring alerts altogether.

When repeat errors have become commonplace

Debriefing and analyzing operations are essential to ensure that the same mistakes don’t occur when managing and responding to threats. Not having the time to debrief and analyze could signal that IT management teams are overwhelmed.

There is a loss in visibility from diversified security platform vendors

Having a multitude of vendors within an organization’s security estate makes it almost impossible to see precisely what is happening on each platform all the time.

Incident resolution becomes unclear

At times, it may become difficult for an organization to determine how it resolved a threat. This is a clear sign that an MSSP could help.

Benefits of a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)

We’ve mentioned several benefits while describing the function of an MSSP, but those aren’t all. There are seven key benefits that utilizing a Managed Security Service Provider offers enterprises and SMBs.

  1. Lower costs – organizations can save a lot of money in areas such as staffing, training, and overall technology investment costs.
  2. More efficient – MSSPs help organizations to free up time that teams can spend elsewhere.
  3. A scalable solution – Enterprises can quickly adapt their IT infrastructure requirements.
  4. Expertise and technology access – Managed Security Service Providers provide objective cyber-security advice and offer access to state-of-the-art tools.
  5. Better response times and overall management – Extra hands, 24-hour availability, the latest technology, and access to cyber security experts all result in a better overall security posture.

How ITsMine is the perfect Managed Security Service Provider solution

With a powerful data protection solution like ITsMine, MSSPs can effectively secure their clients’ data at an affordable rate, and reduce a lot of the complex management that traditional data protection requires in the age of multi-cloud environments, remote workforces, and security talent shortages.

What’s more, they can stay ahead of the curve by offering next-generation pr oteciton capabilities.

Agentless BeyondDLP™ offers a way for IT management and security teams to track, control, and eliminate threats while empowering teams to collaborate effectively and safely. What’s more, it delivers advanced monitoring capabilities via FileGPS™ and SoftwareMines™.

ITsMine Is Constantly Keeping Your Clients – And Their Data – Protected

Access core features that help MSSPs make modern security management easier and more effective for their customers:

Relieve the pressure and get security management that you can rely on

Any organization that faces cyber security threats can benefit from a managed security service. Whether the organization is already at the stage of overwhelm or not quite there, the benefits are clear, and the scalability and efficiency improvements will yield valuable returns for the enterprise.

If you’d like to learn more about ITsMine and what Agentless BeyondDLP™ can do for you, reach out today.


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