When it comes to choosing the best DLP solution, it’s sometimes hard to know where to start. A whole lot of companies are out there promising the world, and yet there have been several high profile data breaches at some of the world’s top organizations. 

Surely these leading lights of global commerce had the best data loss prevention solutions in place?

What you’re set to discover by the end of this article, is that choosing the best DLP solution is actually really simple. It’s also one of the most important steps your organization can take. Getting the best data loss prevention solution, and getting the most out of that solution, starts right here.

Choosing The Best DLP Solution

A Google search for choosing the best DLP solution reveals a ton of ads vying for your hard-earned dollars. And it’s not just these companies – even anti-virus tools are trying to get in on the act. 

Just like Googling “best doctor in my area” is likely to reveal the medical practice that spends the most on ads – and not necessarily the best person for your health – so too trusting these search results without some research could have a significant negative effect on your business.

Below, we’ll examine what to look for when choosing the best DLP solution.

DLP: The Challenge

Before even talking about choosing the best DLP solution, let’s quickly sketch out the challenge:

    1. Data is becoming more valuable
    2. Threats against organizations’ data are increasing
    3. Protecting data is becoming mission-critical

Data is becoming more valuable and has become a currency in and of itself. Data breaches and their effects are bearing this out: for example, Equifax disclosed a massive breach that wiped $5.3 billion off its market capitalization. 

Threats against organizations’ data are increasing too. Malicious actors realize that instead of physically endangering themselves by robbing a bank for instance, they can rather use online tools to steal data. Add to this the rise of the dark web, pre-made phishing kits, and other such tools, and you can see why the severity and frequency of these attacks have been increasing. 

Protecting data is becoming mission-critical, and companies realize that vulnerable data is a threat to their entire business model. In fact, the World Economic Forum lists cyberattacks among the top risks facing companies today. Every single company – irrespective of size or industry – needs to have a data protection plan in place.

What Is DLP

A quick recap about Data Loss Prevention, or DLP tools. DLP is a solution (which comes packaged in many different ways, some more effective than others) and is designed to prevent data from being lost, stolen, accessed by the wrong people, copied, misused, or exfiltrated from an organization.

Some DLP tools and platforms offer many features over the basic DLP functionality. We’ll have a look at these in an upcoming post. But generally speaking, data can be taken from External or Internal actors. External attacks are those such as the infamous Marriott breach, and internal ones can be unintentional – like the Facebook email upload – or intentional such as the Edward Snowden affair.

How DLP Traditionally Worked

Up until now, no company has solved the problem of effectively preventing data loss. Solutions essentially worked by classifying data in order to decide what users could – or couldn’t – do with the data. This approach of “let the data make the rules” meant solutions were:

These are, for the most part, the same results you see when you Google a “DLP solution”.

Clearly, a new approach to this critical problem is needed.

Introducing Beyond DLP™

When it comes to choosing the best DLP solution, look no further than ITsMine’s Beyond DLP™;. Our solution solves the problem of data loss with a proactive approach, one that protects against internal and external threats automatically. 

Our solution stores all company data in a central cloud location and knows when data is used and when it’s returned. It strategically scatters SoftwareMines™; to protect critical data, sends alerts and gives critical forensic information even after data exfiltration.

Thus clients see a major reduction in:

And most importantly, they get a truly effective DLP solution. Finally, a true plug-and-play DLP product that’s not based on manual policy is fully transparent to IT and doesn’t harm employee productivity. 

Choose the Best DLP Solution – Choose Beyond DLP™

When it comes to choosing the best DLP solution, there’s only one product you’ll need to ensure your precious data is protected. Our Beyond DLP™ takes a proactive approach to protect data within the company – and beyond.

Using artificial intelligence, behavior analysis, and deception techniques, ITsMine secures and protects all stages of digital data. 

Does your company need any of the following?

If so, let’s chat. Get in touch with a team member today.


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