Protect Your Company Data From Being Sold On The Dark Web

Protect Your Company Data From Being Sold On The Dark Web

In today’s digital age, data has become one of the most valuable commodities available. People are calling data the new oil, both in terms of its value and how critical it is to how today’s world works. Thanks to this value, it has become critical to protect company data. Malicious actors look to harvest data […]

As Layoffs Increase, So Does The Insider Threat

As Layoffs Increase, So Does The Insider Threat

COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc across the globe. Unemployment remains rampant and the global economy is still struggling.  Beyond the obvious issues posed by an economic downturn, the insider threat to sensitive data remains a serious challenge that all industries need to contend with. Unfortunately, layoffs are still increasing which means that the insider threat […]


Encryption-less Ransomware: Best Practices for CISOs to Ensure Protection