Layoffs And Their Risk To Data Safety

Layoffs And Their Risk To Data Safety

The shockwave of the COVID-19 epidemic is being felt throughout every industry and sector globally. Specifically when it comes to data safety, this has become a burning issue. It has been shown that when employees leave their jobs – willingly or through layoffs – a staggering 87% take corporate information with them, leading to an […]

The Impact Of A Data Breach: It’s Not Just The Data

The Impact Of A Data Breach: It’s Not Just The Data

The threat of a data breach looms over every modern business and institution. With recent estimates showing that data is more valuable than oil, government organizations, hospitals, and businesses all need to make sure that their data is treated carefully so that it stays protected. But it isn’t just the loss of valuable data that […]


Encryption-less Ransomware: Best Practices for CISOs to Ensure Protection