Virtual Vault On-Demand

Transform any folder in your organization into a maximum security fortress, by seamlessly creating Virtual Vaults wherever and whenever you desire.


Company files shared on multiple devices across on-prem and cloud file storages, presents a significant challenge in preventing data breaches and ransomware attacks, as well as meeting regulatory and cyber insurance requirements.

Controlling and Protecting Company Files

Meeting Regulatory and Cyber Insurance Requirements

Tracking Files Beyond Company Boundaries

Protect Your Files, Anywhere.

ITsMine allows you to always be in full control of your sensitive files by allowing you to create multiple ‘Virtual Vaults‘ within your central file storage system – including OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, NetApp and any Windows/Linux file storage – with just a few clicks. Any folder can instantly be transformed into the safest digital space within your Organization within which every file is protected end-to-end, even beyond company boundaries.

Any Folder

Maximum Protection

Files are Protected Anywhere

ITsMine Virtual Vaults are utilizing the unique and advanced capabilities:


Just like a real-life vault, nothing leaves or is accessed without you knowing about it. Unlike real life, even once the file has left the vault, it is still protected wherever it may be, guaranteeing you will always be in control of sensitive data.

If a File-GPS™-protected file is opened outside company boundaries, it will “call home” to you, immediately allowing you to know exactly where the file is, who has opened it, when was it taken out of the vault, by whom, and what additional resources were taken out with it. All the power of data control is now in your hands.


File TimeBombs™ gives you unprecedented control over data, by empowering you to set in just a few clicks expiration dates for their data: meaning such data will exist for only a limited time outside of the ‘Virtual Vault‘.

Once the expiration date has been reached, the files outside of your company’s ‘Virtual Vault’ will be locked and become unusable, even beyond the company boundaries and on any device.

The file itself, however, will remain valid and visible within the vault.

 Join multiple organizations who are easily protecting their files with ITsMine’s ‘Virtual Vaults


Encryption-less Ransomware: Best Practices for CISOs to Ensure Protection